Here’s What You Need To Know When Dating … To Find THE ONE

Christine Rich Hanson
P.S. I Love You
Published in
3 min readDec 13, 2017

I have purchased over thirty pillows in the past decade in my search for the perfect one.

Crazy, right?

Feather, down, wool, silk, those buckwheat pillows that leak and spill…

Comfort when I sleep is a high priority especially since one-third of life is spent sleeping.

Sort of like being in relationship with a guy. If you both work and sleep, you spend about one-third of your time with him. On a good day.

I’d enjoy a pillow for a few weeks and then it would start to bother my neck.

Just like dating. He starts out great and then the wheels come off the bus.

There were times I thought I’d never find the right pillow.

Or the right guy.

Well, I’m happy to report that after I spoke with the manager at a beautiful little boutique linens store in the mountains, she recommended the perfect pillow. I don’t know what’s in it, I just know that it’s the one.

If only.

Could it be so easy to go somewhere and someone points to John Doe in the corner and says, “He’s the one.”

Because if he was the one, would you know? What is there to know?

And maybe, this is the problem. Looking for The One without knowing what that is.

Who applies critical thinking to that? It’s usually lodged in the dark shadows somewhere between rational and fantastical in the brain hemispheres.

Maybe you want your man to make you feel comfortable. Period.

Like a pillow.

It’s quite messy when men have opinions, things they want to go do, lack of conversations, and time spent elsewhere.

What then? Return him?

Sometimes, yes.

How long do you hang in to know if it’s him or you? That’s a toughie.

When that happens it’s time to get the umbrella insurance policy out and say he’s obviously not The One and file a claim with the universe. Kidding.

Of course it’s easy to be swept up with lusting hormones in the beginning and think you may have a keeper. And those hormones never want to acknowledge that the keepers don’t show up like that.

The keepers you notice after a longer while. They’re the anomaly. They get your attention later. Oh. You’re still here.

You turn and square off to them as though they deserve full contemplation all of a sudden.

He’s been there. He’s kind. He’s stable. He’s in to you. He’s smart, funny, sexy. He adores you in a for-sure way. And he’s just coming into your cross-hairs after all these weeks.

He might be the one.

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