
P.S. I Love You
Published in
3 min readAug 4, 2018
“ Home is where the heart is”

We found each other on the most unexpected time
We found ourselves at the end of our line
Distant memories from yesterday was gone
A new chapter with you has already begun

I was your almost but i didn't even realize
That you have always been my everything
Even when i tried so hard to close my eyes
Blinded on the idea of getting over you
When in fact deep down i knew that i could never do

I was a boat lost on top of the waters of your deep love
Only to be washed away by the waves of your fears
However even a boat designed to wander in the vast sea
Will always find its way in the comfort of its designated place

I've always wondered what kind of place is designated for me
What kind of perfect timing will it be
What kind of a person she'll going to be
And what kind of feeling would it be

To love and be loved
To be happy and give happiness
To be a star in the eyes of a galaxy
And to simply love without the fear of falling

So for you my almost but soon to be everything
I want to engrave in that precious heart of yours
That pain will be upon us but there's nothing to be afraid of
Because pain ameliorates love

And how lucky i am to have experienced countless pain sentenced by you
In order for me to arrive at the peak of loving you
You will never be my almost again
Because you have and always will be my

May it be in this lifetime or the next
I will always search for you my home, my soul, my love, and my entire life

Because this love is like seeking blue leaves
That have no clue if it even exists but I trust that it'll fall into my arms eventually
It's like searching for the same cloud
Filled with sadness, taken into the form of a storm
In order to reveal the beauty of the sun that had long been existing
And the clear blue sky that extends over the horizon

You see, I denied you in my head and in my heart a thousand times
So i left my heart open to any kind of love
I didn't believe in anything after that
I thought i knew everything
Only to realize that love shouldn't be something you know
Rather it takes shape in things you'll never fully comprehend
With the person you never expected to be

I chased you countless times but love wasn’t ready for us
I walked away for the first time and tried to chase love like it’s a must
I had to look back not seeking for love, yet love found me
And the thing is we we’re not the same persons as we were back then
Because now i knew that love will always be like:

"It’s good to be home again"

