Hometown, with Love

P.S. I Love You
Published in
1 min readNov 18, 2018

Majestic Mountains, Meandering rivers, Lakes and Lush Forests,

For the world it’s the perfect holiday destination

For me it is my world, my hometown,

the place I’ll always belong

The town is small, but the memories vast

Of the treacherous cousins and the loving aunt

The feisty fights, the first crush

The slumbering summers without any rush

The small town lanes couldn’t hold back though

the restless teen craving a taste of the world

It played it’s part …to make me what I am

And what I couldn’t be, it sometimes told

I couldn’t wait to finish school and move out then

I eagerly await vacations to go home to the mountains now

I have travelled far, between this now and that then

Between the lure of the corporate jungle and the scents of the misty meadow

It felt too small for the dreams I dreamt

Too stifling for the wings I sought

Now I’ve earned the wings and lived those dreams

Why, does it feel it’s time to go home and pay a debt

Maybe because I’ve learnt of value and not just price

Maybe because life is not about leaving home, but coming back to it



P.S. I Love You

Technologist, Researcher, Activist, Lie Detector I write to revel in all the lives I live and to relieve the weight of the ones I don’t