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Hot Sun? Hot Stories!

PS I Love Newsletter #87

P.S. I Love You
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3 min readJul 21, 2019


July is the hottest month of the year, and we got the stories prove it. And for all our friends in the Southern Hemisphere enduring winter … pull up a chair and warm your hands on these summer tales.

#SummerLove Writing Prompt

We’ve all had one — that summer fling. A romance born of sultry days and long, languid nights, meandering strolls along the lake, a feeling that you’re lost in time. We’re accepting stories for this prompt through July 31 — then the PS editors will select two winners — one nonfiction, one fiction — who will each win an Amazon gift card, courtesy of PS I Love You. More info here. Tag your submissions #SummerLove. Drafts only, please.

Editors’ Picks

John Gorman’s The 7 Noble Pursuits took the #1 spot on Medium’s most popular list last week and here’s why: I still remember the day I stopped setting goals. Not because I stopped wanting to become things, but because I needed new ones. Seven selves to become. Seven Noble Pursuits.”

Kris Gage wants you to stop expecting that ONE thing (or one person) to be everything for you, and you know she’s right, you just don’t know how to get there. Well, here’s What to Do When Excitement Fades, her latest column exclusive to PS I Love You, and still trending on Medium.

No stranger to Medium’s #1 Most Popular, Michael Thompson shakes up the common wisdom in Ways To Be More Likable by Saying Very Little. Kindness is just as memorable as confidence.

Welcome Jessica Wildfire to PS I Love You, and take her advice right out the gate: Stop Waiting Around for Your Fairy Godmother. (Spoiler alert: she ain’t coming. And literally anything else works better.)

I hope you find the kind of moments that take your breath away. The kind of moments that change you. Thought Catalog sweeps us away in I Hope You Find What You Are Looking for Out There.

Niklas Göke, as always, shows us the big picture. Whatever your troubles and challenges, You’re Still Here, and if you’re still breathing, you still can have the life you want.

Featured in Relationships

In It Took 5 Years to Forgive My Brother, Tim Denning says forgiveness is the hardest thing you will ever do and simultaneously the most rewarding.

Jennifer Sartore Hulst unravels every parent’s nightmare in Hunter’s Heart.

Ayodeji Awosika gives you the tools to end self-doubt in You’re Good Enough: How to be Okay with Being You.

Crystal Jackson wonders … what would happen If Marie Kondo Gave Relationship Advice?

Megan Minutillo is wishing for A Better Good-bye.

Liz Huber has a step-by-step plan to blow up the blues: Feeling Blue Today? Try This!

When sexual identity is complicated, Daphelba DeBeauvoir unfolds it, layer by layer. To the Girlfriend I Denied Having.

Nikki Kay drops off an early entry to #SummerLove that will have you smiling and dancing all day. Afternoon Melodies.

It’s easy to get caught up in the numbers game with creative pursuits, but behind each of these numbers are real people with real feelings like you and I have. Danny Forest, VNP in I Was Threatened to Never Stop Writing.

And if you need to (finally) figure out How to Argue Without Destroying Your Relationship? Zara Zareen spells it out.

Also — great new poetry and fiction up on the home page today. Check out Barbara McMahon’s The Man Who Danced in Church, ZUVA’s Chocolate Milk, Jun Wu’s Younger Self, Julia Rose’s Double Hunger, and Alexine Yap’s The Time I Added Fuel to the Fire.

That’s all for now, friends. Follow PS I Love You on Twitter for the latest essays, fiction and poetry.

#OneLove #SummerLove


