How To Make Long-Distance Relationship Work

Kate Maurice
P.S. I Love You
Published in
5 min readOct 9, 2017

“How lucky am I to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard?”

A. A. Milne

Young years are all about changing and unpredictable course of events. Therefore, many prefer not to get involved in a serious relationship while they in high school or college and postpone it till they settle down. It is quite a mature decision. However, sometimes you have to give a long-distance relationship a try. It is risky, yes, but your odds of success can be pretty high if you’ll do everything right.

1. Do not hurry

The lack of the offline communication usually leads to unreasonable worrying and over-thinking every single message you get from your partner. The longer you haven’t met each other, the stronger your suspicions become. To maintain them, you have to remind yourself that having doubts is normal. You had them when you were together, too, but you dispelled them easily by talking with your partner tête-à-tête.

Now, when you can’t do it, take a deep breath and try to calm down. Give your relationships time. Take control over your impulses, otherwise, they might deprive you of wonderful and happy moments of lasting relationship with your sweetheart.

2. Trust

Trust is the challenge everyone meets in relationships. Someone trusts on default, another thinks trust has to be earned. But it doesn’t matter which one you are. Honesty is what really matters.

Be sincere and believe your partner is sincere, too. There is no way any relationship works if you don’t trust each other. You can’t control every step of your partner even if you live together. So, don’t be paranoiac and follow your heart.

3. Talk

Openness and verbal communication are the base of a happy committed relationship. Only talking enough, you’ll get answers and save yourself from wrong findings and arguments.

Talk, express yourself the way your life partner likes it. Long-distance relationship involves a lot of talking on phone, texting, and chatting. Do in uniquely. Use your nicknames, share your fears and thoughts, say all the things you want to without hesitation. When you are far away from each other, it is essential to listen and be heard.

However, do not treat messages as the real talks. Texts could be easily misinterpreted. To avoid misunderstandings based on something that doesn’t even exist, discover what exactly your partner meant. Do not jump to conclusions. Remember, this distance thing is hard for both of you.

4. Be there

Paradoxically, but being apart you might find time for your partner easier. Living in different cities, you have a lot of time for yourself, so you can spend this time to get everything you need done, and then be absolutely present — here and now — when meeting or having a video call with your beloved.

Yet, when you both come to your hometown for vacation, it’s hard to find time for your partner and for your friends. Thus, usually, you spend time in the company. Do not blame your partner or feel guilty yourself about it. Realize, it is still better than not seeing each other at all. However, always make your partner priority #1 as if they are not, what is the point?

5. Plan

Do not neglect planning. At the beginning of the year, check your schedule (even if it is approximate) and spot the days when you are free for sure. Then, compare it with your partner’s schedule and choose the dates you are both free and can meet.

This way, your visits will be regular, which will help not to lose close connection. And, don’t worry, you’ll love your trips very much as you’ll understand that both of you made huge efforts to make them happen. Plan to fully enjoy the time spent together.

6. Create a connection

To feel the presence of your partner even at the distance, have something personal to keep them close when they are not. For example, when you’ll visit them next time, take something from their clothes with you, like t-shirt, sweater or scarf, and put it on or just hold it when you miss them very much.

Another great variant is making bracelets for each other or some kind of talismans that will remind you of your feelings. At first, it might seem silly, but when you’ll get them, you’ll see, such cute things help to keep the relationship alive.

7. Get distracted

Missing your beloved is natural. However, you have not to let it absorb you and make your life unbearable. To fight sadness and melancholy find things that will distract you.

One of the best things to get distracted from thoughts about the distance that separates you is to dive into studying or working. It definitely works. But time after time you need a splash, you need something that will make you totally forget that your bae is far away. Friends. That’s what will help without a doubt. Have a crazy night with your friends you were dreaming about for months. Free your mind from the depressing thoughts. Yes, even though your partner is not close, you deserve to have fun! Live. It’s still your young years. Do not waste them.

8. Save

One way or another, to keep your relationship real you have to meet rather frequently. So, to meet each other often, save. It’s not that hard. All you need is to save the money that you spent on gifts when you were together.

Create an untouchable fund. Set aside some amount of money, say, $20 per week and don’t spend them under any circumstances. These savings are insignificant, but they can make a huge difference in your relationship.

9. Visualize

One of the hardest parts in a long-distance relationship is to keep feeling physical attraction to each other. It is really difficult when you can’t hold hands, hug, or simply be close to each other.

Of course, the best way to keep this feeling strong is to meet regularly. But sometimes it’s impossible, and in this case, you should use all the technology you have. Make videos, talk dirty by phone (if you like), have intimate video-chatting. And, yeah, make selfies. Somehow, their role in working long-distance relationship is underestimated.

Though, don’t be afraid not to be physically attracted to your partner anymore. It happens in regular relationships, too. Just accept it as it is, and move on.

Long-distance relationship is not easy, but if you have someone you really care about, you should give it a try. It won’t hurt. The most awful thing that can happen is that you’ll break up. Well, sometimes it’s just not meant to be. Not all the challenging and romantic relationships end well, but it’s better to try than to ask yourself for the rest of your life if it could’ve worked.

My author bio is:

Kate Maurice is a freelance writer and passionate tutor who aims to make this world a better place by helping students cope with the challenges they meet. She seeks to help people believe in themselves. You can find more of her articles on



Kate Maurice
P.S. I Love You

Freelance writer and passionate tutor who aims to make this world a better place by helping students cope with the challenges they meet