I am not my body.

Shining Brightly
P.S. I Love You
Published in
2 min readAug 9, 2020
Photo by Abbie Bernet on Unsplash

I am not my body.

Remember this.

My body is a part of me,
but I am not my body.

Below me dance my feet.
They wander; I wonder:

Who is the I who controls these feet,
who forms this connection between human and earth,
movement and stillness,
matter and space?

My body is a phenomenal gift,
but I am not my body.

Sometimes I make believe
that others can look through my eyes.
Imagine how this life might look
through two foreign portals.

(Do you see what I see?)

This is what my body does for who I am.
My eyes let me see though my body.
My brain lets me think though my body.

But I am not my body, and my body is not me.

In certain situations this is clear:
when my body is sick or in pain,
when I gain weight,
when I realize that I am ageing.

I look in the mirror and know
that even though the reflection looks larger, who I am is not fat.
that even though the reflection has a bright white hair sprouting from its temple, who I am is not growing old.
that even when the reflection weeps, who I am is made of joy.

I am not my body.

Remember this.

And re-cognize the connection
between body and Self:

I will take care of my body,
and my body will take care of me.
I will wear my body like a fine suit — tailor it to fit.
I will treasure it and treat it with respect.

I am not my body, but my body is my home…

until death do us part.

Luckily for me,
I am not my body.

(And you are not yours.)

Remember this!



Shining Brightly
P.S. I Love You

Sharing Light Through Words. Send your love letters, and I’ll send mine. (Commission-able! shinethelittlelight@gmail.com)