I Found Happiness in My Morning Tea

P.S. I Love You
Published in
3 min readApr 8, 2018
“A teabag tag with “Kindness is the gift of life” written on it on the edge of a mug” by Drew Taylor on Unsplash

“You will never be happy if you continue to search for what happiness consists of. You will never live if you are looking for the meaning of life.”
Albert Camus

It’s the little things that make life worth living. Those tiny fleeting moments that we take for granted because we’re so used to experiencing them daily.

Simple things like waking up next to your loved one, eating your favorite food, going on drives with your favorite song playing.

Taking that first sip of freshly brewed coffee, seeing your waiter arrive with your meal.

Feeling the sun warmly radiate on you, looking up at the night sky and seeing the universe in front of your eyes, those summer nights sitting by a bonfire surrounded by close friends.

The Key To Happiness is Gratitude

Life wouldn’t be the same without these “trivial” everyday moments yet we always brush them aside as if they’re nothing; constantly searching for the next big high that’ll make us feel alive rather than just existing.

It’s an obvious idea to show appreciation for the little things but like most things in life- it’s a lot easier said than done.

I had been stuck in a mental rut for months. I couldn’t tell you what it was or why but life just seemed so bleak and colorless. Everything seemed stagnant; as if I was repeating the same day over and over again.

I was miserable.

All around me were stories and lives who were achieving monumental successes and achievements. Stories of friends and family graduating college, finding good jobs and being in happy relationships.

They all seemed so happy.

“Sunrise bright white neon sign on black background at Mori Art Museum” by Charles Deluvio 🇵🇭🇨🇦 on Unsplash

It was a cold February morning, snow covered the ground and the sun barely peeked through the mass of dark clouds hailing above.

I shivered my way to the kitchen to make my usual cup of tea- boiled some water, grabbed my wooden mug, drizzled some honey and squeezed in a slice of lemon.

It was just like any other day.

My mom bought a box of those teabags that have little words of wisdoms on the tags because she thought they were cute. Every morning I would take a quick glance and see what life advice I was receiving from the Yogis. Today’s tag read “The Key to Happiness is Gratitude.”

I stood there, tea in hand and thought about it for a second before shrugging it off and turning my focus outside.

The earth was covered in a blanket of snow. Time was at a standstill, frozen like the ground around us. A slight draft breezed through the cracks of the window pane, sending a shiver down my spine.

I gripped my mug tighter, letting the warmth from the mug seep onto my cold hands and took the first sip. The tea flushed through me like a warm, comforting jolt, instantly waking my body up.

Not too sweet, not too tart.

I was happy with the way the tea came out- usually it’s either way too sweet or too tart as I go crazy over pouring in my morning grogginess. Sometimes it’s the little things that bring about a good start to your day.

And that’s when I realized what the quote actually meant.

Hey guys! Thanks for reading❤️ I really hope you enjoyed it.

This is a little story that opened me up to being thankful and not always searching for some colossal reason to be happy. Life is an extraordinary adventure filled with little ordinary details.

I’d love to know what you guys find happiness in during your day to day lives- Comment them below!



P.S. I Love You

Trying to make sense of life | Growth Marketer | Writer for :: Thought Catalog, The Ascent, Marketing and Growth Hacking, PS I Love You