I used Tinder, Happn, Bumble and Dine for 2 weeks. Results were interesting.

Michael Tudda
P.S. I Love You
4 min readDec 21, 2016


Because of the nature of my job, I’m always trying to stay on top of the dating app game. Why? Well, if I want my app Dine to succeed, I need to always see what my competition is up to.

The reason we created Dine in the first place was out of dedication to solve a huge issue taking place within the dating app space: high amounts of matches, little to no dates. We only launched 9 months ago and you can read about us in this article Business Insider wrote about us. Lately, the reception for Dine (especially Dine Premium) has been fantastic. I deal directly with my users via support email and it’s always so amazing to hear the wonderful dating experiences Dine is making. Obviously, there are many things that we can always improve on but overall the reception has been great.

How does Dine stack up against the big ones like Tinder, Happn and Bumble?

Getting the name out for a new dating app is tough when you’re battling Goliaths but I knew Dine was something special from the get go. I decided it was time to put Dine to the ultimate test. I wanted to see if Dine was really doing what it was supposed to do, what it was designed to do; get first dates, and do it quickly.

Recently, I was on a business trip in Los Angeles from November 30th — December 15th. Los Angeles, being one of the biggest hubs for dating app users, I thought this was an ideal opportunity to see what Dine is really made of and to my surprise, the results could not have been more amazing and I felt the need to share.

Here’s what happened:

***Note*** Message means I was replied to by a match. Conversation means more than 1 message was exchanged between me and my match.


What’s very interesting to note, especially in Tinder’s case, is the large amounts of matches which resulted in zero dates. I was expecting at least 1 out of 10 matches would lead to a real date but it didn’t even come close. The only thing that materialized were 2 conversations that ended up being a dead end like this example I found on the web just to the left (above) of the screen. Bumble? Happn? Not even a single reply which was depressing especially because of all the happn hype and beautiful girls I saw on Bumble. But Dine? 2 out of the 5 matches actually materialized into a real life first date with almost little to no effort. This is big. This is validation. We are doing something right.

Why Dine is the new generation for dating app users:

Dine delivers on first dates well because it picks up where Tinder and other mainstream apps left off, focusing on people who actually care about going on dates. According to users, having that first date already setup at the time of when a match is made on Dine really goes a long way from a commitment standpoint. Girls seem to be digging it too, because it’s because less creepy dudes can get to them and because on Dine only one thing is promised and that is enjoying food together with someone new.

Dine’s Concept

Each person chooses 1–3 restaurants, bars or cafes to meet for a first date at. Any place is searchable and can be chosen. These locations will appear on your dating profile. Every day, you will be introduced up to 5 people in your area that you can see in your “Today’s Pick”. Now this is where the cool part comes in, instead of swiping left and right and hoping someone likes you back, if you like any of the 5 people in your today’s pick and wish to Dine for a first date, you can directly ask them out and if they like you, it’s a match and having the first date is now set up. Obviously, following through on plans is up to the users, but it’s safe to say that having that date coordinated all the way up until the match goes a long way. Dine users tend to just consider their matches more seriously because of the strong direct aspect of meeting up for food or drinks. Check us out on the apple app store.

Up for the challenge?

I challenge others to run the same experiment as I did. Show me your results and if you prove me wrong, I will give you a FREE 1-month for Dine Premium. Will you succeed?

Download Dine Here:


About Dine

We designed Dine to solve a major issue we found among existing dating services. While all of these services allow people to mutually like each other and then start talking, there’s a big problem: all that hassle leads to an actual date only a fraction of the time! That means liking 100s of users just to go on a single date! Plus, it’s been shown that the average time it takes from first greeting to first date is usually around two full weeks.

