If We Had the Opportunity to Love Again

Would we take that chance?

Charlie Sierra Bravo
P.S. I Love You
2 min readJan 24, 2017


Sunrise from 45,000 ft over the North Atlantic Ocean Photo by charliesierrabravo

If we had the opportunity to love again, would we take that chance?

Would we be as always — two people, imperfect, and loving each other anyway?

Would we celebrate ourselves as two who have survived those nasty challenges and have triumphed and kept alive the ability to love throughout it all? Would we know we are two beings coming together in the face of enormous odds? Would we be grateful for our luck to be able to hold hands and walk this life together, even just for a while? Would we intertwine our fingers, wrap our thumbs one over the other, and walk forward without looking back?

Would we take our imperfections less seriously? Would we dare to drink in the scent of each other in full long breaths that turn into sounds? Would we beg for more because there is never anything better? Would our foreheads come together, eyes closed, locked in secret, silent communication? Would we speak in our private code — the one that no one else understands? Would we relax into our intoxicating exchange — at once understanding and at peace with not comprehending?

Would we acknowledge that love is harder to push away than it is to hold dear?

Would we remember the pain of love lost and remind each other about it before it happens? Would we admit we are powerless over the love that consumes us? Would we hold our hands over each other’s ears when anyone nags at us with their doubts? Would we love ourselves and each other when we are at our worst?

If we had the chance to love again, would we remember what we have learned? Would we fortify each other to endure those repeated poundings to heart and soul over which we have no control? Would we pay homage to love that lasts?

I would. Would you?

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