In your vivid memory

Rich Kolasa
P.S. I Love You
Published in
1 min readSep 19, 2017


That you so lovingly and patiently made for us, to keep you.

When we were small, Tiffany and I, you used to say this thing to us when we went places–

“Nach Fürth.”

It was meant to temper our wondering aloud about where we were headed. Even then, at such a young age, we knew what it meant, even if we didn’t have the vocabulary to articulate it. And we loved it. I can still hear Tiffany laughing her small little laugh if I try hard enough. I reflect on those moments a lot now that you’re gone.

In German, literally, the words mean “To Fürth”, a town like any other just north of where you lived. But what you meant, and we understood, was “You’ll know where we’re going when we get there.” You won’t have known this, but as an adult that simple phrase has shaped my memory of you, and my concept of what it means to be patient. To give things time.

You built our memory of you, day by day, for as long as we can remember. We are grateful that you have made it easy to keep you so vividly. We will always find you when we need you. We love you.



Rich Kolasa
P.S. I Love You

Developer, photographer, and advocate for better work environments.