Instagram sucks.

Nick Constantine
P.S. I Love You
Published in
2 min readJun 2, 2018
Photo by Warren Wong

Me personally, I love Instagram, but it sucks for one particular reason. It should not allow you to see how people are doing, especially those you’ve lost touch with. I know that sounds kind of cold and harsh but follow me for a second. If it had a feature like that I wouldn’t be having such a crappy day right now. I’m sure a lot of people are having a worse day than I am.

This lack of a feature ruined my day because I just happened to be scrolling through my feed and I see a post that my ex-girlfriend’s sister posted. At this point you’re thinking why the hell do I still follow my ex’s sister but not my ex? Simple. Because honestly I still want a little connection with the life I used to have and maybe that’s normal. I don’t know. So she posted a picture of her and all her siblings, including my ex, at a wedding down in North Carolina. It was the first time I had seen a picture of her in months.

It took me aback for a secoond. It was like I was seeing a photo of a relative who had passed that I would no longer get to see in person. In a way it was good to see that she looked good and she seemed happy. She looked the same as I had always known her to be, still beautiful as ever.

Who knows when I will see you next.

Hopefully sometime soon.

Stay beautiful.

