I’ve Waited So Long to Find You

M. Edward Alexander
P.S. I Love You
Published in
2 min readApr 2, 2018

In the waning years of my life, I glow:
How lucky am I to have found you
in my twilight years,
And how sad…
Sad, because I wish that I had given you
My youth,
My strength,
The electrifying touch of
Young lovers.

You and I are covered in scars
From life’s battles,
We are etched with furrows
From the weight of our struggles
And from having survived
Our blessed obstacles —
I know we were there
In the trenches of life,
We were there,
Though my memory fades
And the vividness of times gone by
Now washed out,
Bleached by the blazing daylight sun
And buried in sleep under the blackest nights —
Sometimes I feel like I’m asleep when I’m awake:
Life is a daydreamy haze.

Oh, how I wish you could have seen me!
Handsome and Shining and Strong,
Now I offer you only tenderness;
My voice, once rich and powerful,
Now carry only delicate words
in sometimes shaky whispers;
My arms, now weak, still won’t let go:
I will never let you go — Never!
My Love,
My Life.

But now…
These last few breaths have pained me,
So darling, sit close
and hold my hand,
Know that you hold my heart, my soul
My Life
in your touch;
The world means nothing,
Nothing to me,
And yet it means Everything
For you are in it.

My darling,
Shall I speak the words that make you smile?
Forgive my breathlessness, my dear,
and come close,
Let me whisper in your ear…

I love you



M. Edward Alexander
P.S. I Love You

Explorer of the human condition. Supporter of the arts, science & technology. Guided by empathy. #Poetry