Let Me Bleed

A poem

S Seig
P.S. I Love You
2 min readApr 5, 2020


Photo by Brian Patrick Tagalog on Unsplash

Let me bleed on these pages,
So I don’t bleed on you my dear.
Just a trickle to start.
Since, I still don’t know who you are,
Where you are,
What you have been doing all this time.
But one thing I do know
Is that you don’t deserve to carry my pain and my fear.

Let me bleed on these pages,
So I don’t bleed all over you my love.
May be just a prick will do,
Just a few drops
To relieve the swelling and pressure that has built up.
Years of heartbreak and disappointment.
Years of being misused, abused, and taken for granted.
All in an attempt to find a love I’m not even so sure of.

Let me bleed on these pages,
So I don’t bleed all over you my honey.
Now it’s an ooze
Every day trying to become more myself
Even stronger after being torn down
To something I didn’t recognize.
Every day trying to recover
From giving too much of myself to the wrong ones
All the time, effort, and money.

Let me bleed on these pages,
So I don’t bleed all over my sugar.
Maybe a slice will do the trick.
I still have issues with trust.
I’ve been lied to too much.
Presented with smoke and mirrors.
Illusions and delusions of being safe and secure.

Let me bleed on these pages,
So I don’t bleed all over you my sweetheart.
Maybe it will actually take a gash this time,
Now I have a constant flow.
I really think this may help.
After multiple men have hurt me,
I may need a greater release to restart.

Let me bleed all over these pages,
Get them saturated.
I don’t want to bleed all over you, my forever.
I realize now
I have to completely die to my past.
In order to be all I need to be for me
In order to even think about all I need to be for you.
If ever.

