Love Happens In The Dark

P.S. I Love You
Published in
2 min readAug 3, 2018

Until the morning comes.

Credits to Edward Paterson

Walks, talks, wine and making love. But it’s not real is it?

You made time for me. I know you never have the time. But you made it for me. You invited me to spend precious and valuable time with you. You left your phone at home, when we went for a walk by the lake. I took mine, even though I haven’t needed it ever since I met you.

You spotted the moon and held me from my waist. “Isn’t it beautiful? This is very romantic, here, with you.”

You made me feel more important than you, even though your a big deal to everyone in the world. “I work and travel all the time. But you get out there and you do things. I wish I could, too. You’ve done things.”

You saw me cry that night, because of how beautiful it was with you. I was embarrassed and kept insisting you look away till I gather the courage to leave. “Talk to me, please. Don’t go. Stay and talk to me.”

You made love to me. You touched my body so delicately. It was like you were afraid to break me more than I was already broken. “I know you are scared. The tough act you pull.. You’re not the only one analyzing character tonight.”

You accepted the story about my past and watched me cry in pain, telling you all about what they did to me and how scared I was to fall in love with you.
“Let me show you, you have nothing to fear.”

But a lot of things can be said in the pressure of time. We did not have a lot of it. We said things that were too good to be true; too real to say out loud.
And in the morning light, we turned human again. It was too hard to live up to what we said. It was impossible. At least to you.


Nothing is impossible for me, when it comes to you. I would do it now, all of it. If only you’d dare, too.



P.S. I Love You

Photographer. Writer. Person who feels too much.