Love like honey

Poetry Sunday

Aleta Daniels
P.S. I Love You
2 min readAug 18, 2019


Photo: Garon Piceli from Stocksnap

If you would let me, I could get lost in the
constellation of your eyes, stars mapped out for me
Your fingers, dragging across my skin,
could invite goosebumps to skin’s surface,
a physical expression of the words
that would get caught
in the back of my throat,
too scared to jump to the tip of my tongue

Yes, I could fall in love with you

We would have the best of times,
inviting all of ourselves to the surface
of a new relationship
I won’t apologize for the way we’ll eventually fall apart
though both of us would try to stop it,
putting our hands over crying hearts
and trying to find just the right
material to put in place to keep our seams together

Or maybe, maybe we wouldn’t fall apart
Maybe we would love each other fiercely
Maybe you would get drunk on the scent of
my rose petal skin and my fingertips,
insistent with their intentions,
would sketch words from my heart onto your chest for hours
Until one day we both blink dazed eyes
and realize that a lifetime has passed

Maybe our love would feel
like honey, warm like sunlight
and it would pull us down
into its depths and not
let us crawl back out
Slowly we would sink
into love until our
bodies have been satisfied

Yes, I could fall in love with you
if you’d let me.



Aleta Daniels
P.S. I Love You

I use writing to untangle the thoughts in my head, most of which don’t make sense until I see them written out in front of me.