Lover or Player? New App Helps Spot Liars on Tinder

Kalie Allebach
5 min readJan 25, 2016

Ladies, sisters, and females everywhere, dating and long term relationships are getting harder and harder to ascertain. There are so many ways in today’s world to meet and engage with the opposite sex, it is our soulmate we are truly looking for. Am I right, dating sites, social media, and the countless personal sections in every aspect of the media/medium, create a very high pressured environment. Leaving but one question: Will I find my lasting lover or just another Prince of players?

The Ugly Truth about Dating Sites and Tinder

So here how it usually goes for me; I meet someone through some site usually a social media and then it starts from there, check out their profiles on as many sites as I can get to. Then we set up a chat message and emailing comes into the picture and things go well, and then I spot it the slip or the “other shoe dropping.” Yup you got it girls, he’s married, or chatting with 100 other girls and nothing what I see or find on the profiles. So the cycle continues and then you know what?

A certain someone told me about an app called Tinder and how it really is somewhat of a breakthrough in dating site dimension. So I signed myself up what the heck, I started to check out some really cute possibilities. Chatting began, funny and good conversation. Then the doubts set in:

Is this for real? Is he being honest and in good faith? Another player ?? I needed to find out.

After quick research, I found this report showing that among all the attractive profiles, 30% of them are married, this is disheartening once again. I have this groovy friend Sage a guru of dating sites especially this one and she too was fed up with all the runaround and really wanted to concentrate on finding the one who was worthy of the time and effort to building a relationship. She mentioned an app that I could get my hands on. It is called Hop and it is a great tool for women like us who are really seeking someone special and consider ourselves worthy.

Turning Hop into a Player-Detector

I looked into the app called Hop and it is all about connecting friends of people’s friends and making the circle a little smaller to get a glimpse into all kinds of things and others they interact with.

So I went back to my guru gal pal and asked her to let me in on the secret to the app and exactly what it would do for me, and making sure that my time is well spent.

Ladies, my sisters grab a pen or get ready to copy and paste or bookmark whatever your preference as here are the steps she gave me personally.

  1. If the chatting and friendliness of Tinder is going smoothly, then add him through Facebook as a friend. Not a date, just friends.
  2. If that goes well, then download the Hop app and ask him to the same. Tell him that this is your preferred messaging app. Now we are going to find out just how true and loving he really is.
  3. Once the downloads are complete and you both are connected through the app and FB, now you can start friending through his list. (To do so, in the “Match” tab, specify “Common Friend” to be the guy you met on Tinder, then press “Start.”)
  4. Once matched then you are free to chat with any his friend anonymously while seeing him as a common friend. Now we are off and running and it’s all in your time to see if he is really all about girls, and playing the field, or he likes walks on the beach and lover of puppies. What ever you are looking for in a lasting lover.
  5. The best part of the secret is still to come, you see you can repeat Step 3 over and over again, as it is free to use. Yes, it is so let the games begin now that you have the upper hand so to speak, or at least the upper end app that will be a big help and useful tool.

Oh, don’t get me wrong gals, I don’t mean that you should be a spy asking “do you think your mate is an absolute asshole?” It doesn’t work out like that. I’m talking about long-term relationship. Remember why we made friends with “his friends” in the past in reality? Because his friends and circles conclude partially our feelings about him! That’s right, make friends, and collect integral parts of your feelings so you can make better decisions.

BTW, I think this trick actually applies at any stage of a relationship whenever you are about to take it seriously.

My Adventure

Well ladies I have given you the secret and I do have news to report back. I tried it all downloading of the app, and Facebook I have used it several times (like on 8 guys) and it worked a couple of them really turned out to be jerks and not very truthful, and surely not worthy of my time or effort. The others, a couple have potential, and who knows how many more I might need till I get to the one who is worthy of me and my special gifts.

If you think this Tinder hack might be helpful to your BFFs, please share it. And feel free to leave comments to let me how it works. Love you.

P.S. I must confess that I have been really abusing the HOP app and would like to apologize in advance and past usage, it is just an amazing fun and informative design, and I have met some very interesting people on the site. HMMM maybe I see the next big move to Hop and see what it might have in store me… (to be continued)

P.P.S. Thanks for your response men. But seems like this article pissed off some dudes. “Paranoiac psychopath,” Seriously!? If you think so, man you are taking gals wrong! According to studies here and there, women by nature are more worried about sex, before and after. So, as I said, his friends and circles are an integral part of our overall feelings to him. That’s why we normally would like to make friends with “his friends” in reality. Remember this, and you’ll be more comfortable with that chatting your friends online is nothing but a convenient way to the norm.

