Moonless Nights

Ramalingam Monisha
P.S. I Love You
Published in
2 min readOct 25, 2020

Poetry Sunday

Photo by Clint McKoy on Unsplash

And every moonless night
She’d wake from her grave
As the phoenix from her ashes
She’d roam free across the expanse
And break away from the confines of her death

As skies made peace with thunder
And black clouds showered tears of life
She’d come alive, cause she had died too soon
Left her dreams unfulfilled, her spirit restless
And her love for life still burning wild

The night imprisoned the cold darkness,
and caged it, to hold it away from her
So she could see light during her night
The moon softly slipped into the shadows
And let the light of her soul shine onto the universe

Her light, that was too quick to be buried
Into an undeserving grave left behind by a cruel fate
Her dead flesh and her undying fervor
It was an endless war that she had already lost
For her stubborn spirit refused to be shrouded forever

Alas, the morning light would soon steal her colors as its own
And she’d have to make her way back
As the wind and leaves sang her a soft lullaby
She’d have to begin her descent just as the sun arose
Because there cannot be two suns in the sky

And so an eternity passed in sleepless slumbers
In her penance to breathe a few moments of life
The brightness of her soul was unyielding to the darkness
For her divine serenity kept her dead heart beating
As she awaited another night of her cursed serendipity.

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Thanks for reading!



Ramalingam Monisha
P.S. I Love You

I’m the words I write, the thoughts I think, the breaths I take, and the moments I live.