Moveable Feast

Pragati Sachdeva
P.S. I Love You
Published in
1 min readNov 17, 2017

Healer and lover intertwine;

Lay on me his sweet line.

Yin and yang of love in his electric


Made me ride the curly contours of the swelling crest.

Let the journey indulge you;

Without further ado.

Conceded the enchanting sorcerer;

Magic must ensue.

Bid the morbid adieu;

A wild card entry of a brand new you.

Cosmonaut marooned on earth;

Smothering his cosmic tribe with gleeful mirth.

I’m lost in wonder;

Whilst he heals my heart asunder.

Am I on the gravy train?

Or just tripping on Cocaine?



Pragati Sachdeva
P.S. I Love You

Poet even in Prose banishes thou woes. Gypsy blood astir, married a moonbeam, lost in a reverie she’d daydream…