My love for you will stop at nothing

Fiction Friday

Luna Lovecroft
P.S. I Love You


Circe Offering the Cup to Ulysses, John William Waterhouse, 1891.

She goes through the dusty boxes and broken furniture of the attic, settles on a stack of shabby leather suitcases under a tiny window, and fishes a pack of cigarettes and a lighter out of her bra. Her white dress is stained and dirty from a long stair climb, and the choir of concerned voices of the wedding guests is starting to rise from the hall reaching out for her like a cloud of angry bees. She wishes she’d care.

She lights up a cigarette and takes a long drag, filling a sudden hole in her chest with bitter smoke.

Ten years.

It took her ten years to get to this moment.

Ten years since her sweet prince, her first love, was taken from her and the human world had no justice for the abductress. So she left the human world behind — and headed to the Forbidden Lands, determined to find the Ancient One and ask for her help to get the sweet prince back.

Three years she spent wandering in the wilderness of the Forbidden forest. Pixies would trap her in their circles, fairies hung on her clothes, messing with her shoelaces. The grass would grow over her feet when she slept, wild beasts would hound her and steal her food, and birds made nests in her hair. The mermaids, long-haired, long-legged, glorious in the pale moonlight reflecting…



Luna Lovecroft
P.S. I Love You

Stories from another hemisphere, written under a stripper pen name and in a second language. Because God forbid we make things easier for us.