© Lee Bullitt, Morocco, 2017

Never Really Known

Lee Bullitt
P.S. I Love You
Published in
1 min readJan 19, 2018


Upon waking, mind and body
almost refreshingly empty,
my heart still feels unclear:

How did people discover each other?

Without knowing why, lips
drawn together.

Did their bodies sway
orbiting the narrow space between them
until, like clumsy calves, they stumbled?

Shoulder barreling into chest,
knuckles touching knuckles
until foreheads touched.

The scent of you
your sweetness deep, mixing in with
the dark sweat of the stranger you know…

How do lips find each other out
if it hasn’t been done before?
Does each kiss, even now, feel so new?

When I consider the many depths
of the body (in love)
of the mind (in love)
and of the heart,
I think that I have never really known love.



Lee Bullitt
P.S. I Love You

Writer & Visual Artist from New York, NY ~ Contributor for Poets Unlimited and P.S. I Love You ~ [All photos and words are by me] ~ www.hereisleebullitt.com