On self and society.

P.S. I Love You
Published in
2 min readMay 27, 2018


Bathed in other people expectations
Empty the heart and eats the soul

Hold my hand, what say you?
Allow me to show you wonders
Prod the current “you”, nudge it
Ponder the depths of your mind
“You” are the key to your own happiness

Just as your heart told you to
Implore for nothing but your own quality time
Allow your instincts lead you
Sharpen those senses
Embrace each experience and each emotion
Nobody should keep their soul in a bottle.

Social proof is a big guide in most of our lives. Whether it be lover, parents, friends, fellow classmates, we are so often pushed to fulfill the version of “us” that is ideal to them. It took many forms, and it shows up in many ways; the more general “be a good child” advice, the pressuring “he doesn’t work as well as X” ex-classmate comparison, or the often “be more loving and caring” comment, expectations of others are often put on our shoulder to carry.

Often times the expectations leads us to to become better. A better version of ourselves. Yet, sometimes it is too easy to follow what is expected of us that we forget the essence our own being. What is it exactly that we want our life to be? What kind of life do we want to lead? What is the definition of being successful? What can we proudly tell our grandkids of the things we do? Before asking others or comparing with friends, we should try to find it ourselves first and foremost.



P.S. I Love You

Occasional writer. Finding answers to life decisions and culture clash.