P.S. I Love You

The Poetic Genius
P.S. I Love You
Published in
1 min readAug 29, 2017

“PS. I Love You”

I didn’t even really like you at first

I know that statement would hurt

But think about it…

You felt the same way

We started out as more interruption

To our scattered out of control lives

We were/are hiccups in other’s plans



We are an asterisk to happiness

I’ll be happy “But….”

I’d be happier if I had you

You taught me how to smile without a grimace

You hardened up my easy-to-break shell…. (You gave me strength)

You are the one I loved most that’s why you hurt me most

I guess you can say the same thing about me…

I write you this poem like a letter…

Signed Sincerely yours

I write you this letter as a poem

Signed Sincerely yours

I would die for you, but that’s the same way I could live

Being yours

I’m sincerely yours

I’m sincerely yours

It’s signed

I dare the devil I’m blind

I defend my case

They talk of soul ties? I felt ours embrace

It fed off grace

We had love, we had no faith

Both feeling misplaced

Was it sealed? Cause this here…a terrible fate

Love Hell…repeatedly fall on my face

Write these poems in the sand/They get erased by your man

I know…it should’ve always been us but this story is true

I could never have you

Signed Sincerely Yours

P.S…I love you



The Poetic Genius
P.S. I Love You

The Poetic Genius is a name I have lived the last 15 years trying to live up to. I am a poet as much as I am human, it runs through every fiber of my being.