Poseidon’s Stoneheart

Poetry Sunday

Ahsan Yousaf
P.S. I Love You
1 min readSep 20, 2020


Source: alexazabache

who could
rage calm seas
into violent submission,
could not
draw from the well of his heart
a single tear. And yet,
there are men and women — unblessed, only human
who impersonate the face of
suffering — make it the object of
their manipulation, the concealed weapon of their existence —
Brazen. Remorseless. Maybe,

that’ how we fooled the Gods into believing
we were good
and kind
and worthy of redemption,
of unwarranted forgiveness.

Have you ever seen
the defenceless innocence of a cradled baby
a kneed criminal
grinning under his submissive head

The cruel, unforgiving gaze
of divine omnipresence follows only
to crumble
in the mousetraps of
their ballroom masquerades.

Copyright © Ahsan Yousaf



Ahsan Yousaf
P.S. I Love You

A writer who holds a firm conviction that everyone has a wealth of emotional reserve that’s begging to be mined and inked.