Practicing Gratitude

Larissa Runkle
P.S. I Love You
Published in
3 min readMar 2, 2017

An Open Letter to All of My Friends

PC: Jakob Owens

I recently bought a Passion Planner. And it’s been awesome. I’m mapping out my goals, setting aside more time to achieve personal milestones, and gaining a better perspective on the way I spend my time.
But I think the thing has struck me the most is the inclusion of a space for gratitude. Each month the planner asks you to list who or what you’re grateful for, and each week to list good things that happened.

Gratitude is often something we overlook.

In the rush of things we tend to focus on the bad, the challenging. But there’s also a lot to be grateful for, and practicing this mindful gratitude is often the trick to feeling good and leading a rich and full life.

PC: Anh Phan

Have you ever met someone who radiates happiness?

They’ve probably been through some tough times. And they know that being healthy, having work, and having people that love you—that’s a lot to be grateful for.

But I, like many of you, am not one of those people.

I’ve been blessed with a relatively straightforward, average millennial existence. Which makes me a bit of a brat.

So practicing this awareness and gratitude has been so good for me. No matter how bad my week, I look to the left at that little square that says “Good things that happened” and I remember. Oh yea, that did happen didn’t it? I’m reminded of all of the ways that I am loved, cared for, and can thrive in my current environment.

There’s a quote that I like a lot. It says:

“Having a place to go is home. Having someone to love is family. Having both is a blessing.”

So here it goes. My open letter to those people who make my days and weeks even better. I’m omitting names, because I’m pretty sure you’ll know who are when you read this. And there’s also a good chance you’re my most regular followers :)

To my main climbing girl, you rock (pun deeply intended). Your dedication to your career path is inspiring. I know you’re going to kick ass, and I love knowing you’re only a phone call away.

To my Twinnies. We don’t talk or see each other as much as we used to. But. You’re both always on my mind. You’ll always be a part of me, and two people I know I can call up whenever, people that I’ll always pick up naturally with, wherever it is that we leave off.

To my wine, cheese, and Sister Wife ;) so grateful for our awesome girls’ nights.

To my Seattle sister. I love our visits where we can’t wait to catch up and then get to talking books. So happy to have you in my life. Looking forward to making a trip to visit.

To my mom. I’ve been blessed to grow up with a friend like you. Love you so much, and can’t wait to see you soon.

To my guy. Don’t change a thing. You’re wonderful.

To new friends. You know who you are. Thanks for keeping me a happy girl in this crazy city.

I invite you to do the same. And if you need some inspiration, start here:

1. List three things you’re grateful for.

2. List three people who inspire you (then tell them!)

3. List three good things that happened this week.

Then look around. You’re richer than you think.

Thanks for reading. I’m Larissa, a writer exploring the West. You can keep up with me here and here.

