Seven Things That are Still Better at Your Parents

#3 The naps … oh the naps

Sara Becker
P.S. I Love You
3 min readMar 11, 2021


Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash

The last time I visited my parents, I went alone. I spent a couple of days in a time travel machine that took me back to being fourteen, living at home, and not having a care in the world.

It got me thinking. As I laid sprawled out on the couch whilst watching television at 2 pm in the afternoon, with a cup of tea and a bowl of my favorite snacks — why do we ever leave?

Kidding. Don’t worry Mum and Dad. I’m not coming back just yet.

But, there are more than a couple of things that are just so much better when at your parents. The type of things that truly make you realize the definition of what true comfort is.

The reason why family is forever.

The Food

My parents aren’t big chefs and they aren’t going to bake up a storm for my arrival. But, they always have snacks on hand and are always down for a good take-out night. I know that coming home means that I am getting cooked for, or delivery is on the way over.

I also know where my dad hides his chips and a half-eaten box of cookies.

The Bathroom

There is nothing. I repeat, nothing — like using your parent's bathroom. I don’t know what it is, and I don’t care what you do in there. But, it’s better.

The soap, the cleanliness, the variety of towels.

The familiarity, the peace. No dog trying to headbutt their way in to sit beside you! Okay, that I miss — but still.

The Naps

Napping at your parents when visiting is almost a necessity.

My mum always lets me have a doze in her and my father's bed or the guest room. Both will have soft mattresses, a warm comforter, and the type of atmosphere that lulls you to sleep like you haven’t slept since you were, well — fourteen and had no real troubles.

Don’t even get me started on the clean linen.

The Feeling

When I step into my parents’ home, I am not only welcomed by their open arms and their small dog, but also the feeling of being completely at ease.

It’s one big exhale when I step into my parent's home. The house is a warm hug and I am there for it. The outside world doesn’t matter as much when you’re at home. Problems dissipate, just a little bit more and you remember just how lucky you are to have a family like this.

The Pajamas

Okay, this one might just be me. But, every time I visit home — I steal a pair of my mother's legendary flannel pajama sets.

She always has a new pair, and they’re always ten times more comfortable than my large T-shirt and boxer shorts I normally sport on my way to slumber city.

She isn’t always happy when she comes around the corner and sees me wearing her newest loungewear, but I know she secretly might enjoy that I just love her that much I need to wear her PJs.

The Love

Don't get me wrong, I get my own love at home. But, coming home to Mum and Dad leaves me feeling like my heart has been topped up.

Like visiting the gas station for your soul.

They care about your day, what's happening in your life and I always feel like I talk way too much there. I am sure by the end of the visit they are welcomed by the peace that is left without my blabbering. But, it is a deep feeling of ease to catch up with the ones you love the most.

The Goodbye

No one says goodbye like your parents. The hugs, the secret packages of snacks, and the feeling that you will genuinely be missed by someone.

Plus, the feeling that you get to come back all over again, soon.



Sara Becker
P.S. I Love You

Anesthesia, Weekend Beers, UC... That sums me up, now I’ll write about anything. Writer for You, Me & My Dog.