
Alissa Peronto
P.S. I Love You
Published in
1 min readDec 21, 2017

They are babies, they are loved, they are girls, they are your daughters —

These sisters know their mama’s heart. They know the steady, have felt the skips and learned to dance from the rhythm of this.

These sisters know their mama’s love, they know her joy and laughter.

Their daddy makes them giggle and kick, he really is quite funny.

They’ve heard their parents prayers, and echo from within. These baby girls are known and loved by Jesus who is with them.

One in Heaven, one on earth, both loved beyond comprehension.

These girls, forever joined by the ties, they’ll forever be two sisters. And sisters, forever loved by you, are two gifted little daughters.

To my sister and her daughters — I love you.



Alissa Peronto
P.S. I Love You

feeling like one of the lucky ones || writing for fun