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Spotlight: Opening Lines of the Week

PS I Love You Newsletter #85

P.S. I Love You
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3 min readJun 28, 2019


Hey friends,

Can you ever read “It was a bright cold day in April, and the clocks were striking thirteen.” (George Orwell, 1984) without getting chills?

Or “It was the day my grandmother exploded.” (Iain Banks, The Crow Road) without a rush of curiosity?

Well, we’ve got a week’s worth of funny, stirring, and cool first lines to whet your reading appetite. Here are a few to get you started:

“When Richard got married, he undressed his wife in their honeymoon suite and found that she was wired with explosives,” writes Jay Gershwin in The Beautiful Terrorist. I don’t know about you, but I’m hooked.

Nick Maccarone hints at the setup with “A stranger in two lands, one less familiar.” in This Is Why She Loves Your Son.

“Never have I ever… had sex on a baseball field.” Aja Corliss has a moment of clarity in Never Have I Ever Hated a Game More.

Rebeca Ansar starts quietly and saves the big bang for later in I Didn’t Get Married When I Was Supposed To: “I still remember being summoned to my aunt’s jewelry store with specific instructions to “look nice”.

Lots more great openings in this week’s features!


New column by Kris Gage None of Us Really Know How to Love, and as usual, she’s taking no prisoners. Sure, “we’re all just bumping along trying to make the best of it …” But what do we really know about love? Not a damn thing.

And ready or not, John Gorman is taking your burning questions and cooking up some blunt, insightful and hilarious answers. Check out his latest brainstorm I Have Questions. If he picks your question, you’ll get tagged in next week’s column (so be careful what you ask for).

Image Credit: Pixabay

Featured in Relationships

Benjamin Sledge The Myth (And Reality) Of Finding Your One, True Love

Tim Denning The Struggle You Face is Redirecting You to Something Better

Leslie Wibberley Buy the Damned Alphabets

Michelle Elizabeth I Never Wanted A Child Until I Had One

Andrew Knott Do I Have Time for This?

Gretchen Lee Bourquin The Scale is the Last of My Worries

Christina Ward The Rules of Engagement

Meg Mazurek My Toddler is Developing Borg Tendencies

Daria Krauzo Wildfire or Bonfire? Two Types of Love

Claire J. Harris The Date I Stalked for a Year

Fiction Showcase

The brilliant Tre L. Loadholt is back, and she’s just as thoughtful, sexy and funny as ever. Check out If Only She Were a Lesbian.

Don’t miss Jay Gershwin’s The Beautiful Terrorist, or Louise Foerster’s A Change of Dream.

Daniel J Botha The Little Old Lady Who Took Off With Her Walker

Elaine Hamilton Empaths and Angels

Rose Marie Lamar — A Love Story

That’s all for now, friends. Share your favorite opening lines of all time in the comments, and remember to cruise by the home page later this weekend for Poetry Sunday. #OneLove


