Start Loving Yourself Today

Priscilla Martins
P.S. I Love You
Published in
3 min readOct 4, 2017
Image Credit: Pixabay

I want to propose a toast to us, I want to propose something to you. Get a glass of wine, a beer, a whiskey, a juice, a cup of water, whatever gives you pleasure to drink while you read this.

You probably have heard about loving yourself a lot, it seems the magical solution for whatever problem you have in life. If you are feeling bad, if you are being rejected, if you don’t have confidence in yourself; probably someone will tell you that you should “love yourself” more. But what is the recipe to start loving yourself? Is it all about getting fit and feeling pretty? No, actually loving yourself is far more complex than that.

Revamping your look will eventually work temporarily, but it will just mask the real problem that is inside you. To love yourself you have to learn hard lessons like; it is fine if people don’t like you because it doesn’t define who you are. To love yourself you have to go through a long process of detoxifying what makes you sick.

Let’s make it simple then!

Be humble there will be people won’t like you. Be ok with that and go in search of those who are inspired by what you do and like to stay around you. Offer your close friends a yummy coffee at your place and spend your time with those who want your attention. Give away to charity everything you don’t wanna use anymore, throw away objects which brings you bad memories, keep with you only what matters.

Understand that everyone has imperfections and you have them too. Don’t blame yourself for that, the more people you meet the more you will realize how delicious it is to be yourself. How unique you are, and how your imperfections are just part of who you are. Don’t feel minor. But if something really bothers you, get over it. Seek for specialized help and work it out. Don’t wait for tomorrow to do something you can start today. It sounds cliché right?! but isn’t.

Give love to your family, to your friends, to your pets, give love to people around you. Spread love and don’t expect to receive it back. If someone replies you, good, but if someone not, you weren’t expecting it anyway. Keep walking forward always, no need to look back.

Be honest, don’t lie. You don’t have to. Because you are a confident kind who doesn’t owe anything to anyone. But if you owe… get yourself clean, tell the truth, solve your concerns and be at peace with yourself.

Seek for inspiration, read, travel, talk, listen, sing, play, dance, cook, draw, write, build, create, watch… allow yourself to get inspired today. Pay attention to people around you. Listen to their histories, learn something from them, get into people’s mind.

Be happy with what you get instead of what you don’t have. It’s easy to say I don’t have X, I don’t have Y. Why should you torture yourself like that? gratitude is a big part of the journey on loving yourself. Instead of feeling sad, try to get the most you can with the resources you have. You may not possess all the things you want, but objects won’t make you truly happy if the problem comes from inside. My experience of buying things to reward me had failed when the problem was actually me.

The crowd loves blue, but what you prefer is orange? don’t be afraid to express your preferences. You don’t owe anything remember?! don’t be ashamed, set yourself free.

Stop pleasing people to get liked. People will enjoy you without the need of cheap-pleasing them. Loving yourself is a long journey where you learn you don’t have to feel afraid by who you are.

And to finish, the most important part of loving yourself is DON’T COMPARE YOURSELF TO OTHERS. You’re unique remember?! so you cannot be compared. ;)



Priscilla Martins
P.S. I Love You

Economist, tech enthusiast and Digital Marketing lover.