State of Mine

Michelle Zauzig
P.S. I Love You
Published in
2 min readNov 20, 2017

You looked at me;

a woman and a puzzle,

like something on the tip of your tongue,

that you couldn’t quite get.

You know it would come to you later,

and you embrace the mystery of it all.

and my god, I did it again, and got lost in my head

and you started to talk and I tried to hold on

but like the walls around me,

your words faded into incomprehensible noises,

and I wish I could take you with me, jesus I wish I could take you,

to this place I go so often

You ask me why I think so much,

why my head seems to always be in the clouds.

And it really is like Jimi said with all the butterflies and moonbeams

and my mind dances through landscapes i’ve never seen.

The real world seems so crazy, but i think it’s all so beautiful, and magnificent and…

there I go again.

the words.

this beauty is a state of mind, a state of mine.

I come to

and recognize your face again,

with that familiar smile,

the one that makes me want to kiss you so god damn bad.

and you look at my like you do,

and I love that look.

the look that says you get me, but will never understand me,

and it’s all the same to you.

and I love you for that.



Michelle Zauzig
P.S. I Love You

Content for the curious. Producer 🎥🎞️📺 Creator of Kinfolk Ranch.Words for everything else.