
Moyosore Laditan
P.S. I Love You
Published in
2 min readMay 1, 2018

I am fascinated by sex.

Not sex as in the act of thrust, withdraw and repeat.

Or the grunting, sweat and moaning.

Sex as in everything else that is going on with, before, after and in spite of the mechanics of the act itself.

Not many people talk about it honestly.

A lot of people are happy to tell you about the sweat and fluids.

But not many people will tell you what really makes good sex, repeatable sex, fulfilling sex, sex after food, during your favourite show, before you go to work.

Not many people will talk about sex that gives instead of taking.

Sex that gives you a glimpse into another’s soul, the most vulnerable parts of true desire.

Or did I miss something about sex?

Is sex just sex?

Is it just hormones, secretions, erections and ejaculations.

Why has the new culture made it less than it actually is or I’m I the one over-thinking it?

It has to be more than an accomplished or relieved sigh at the end of a few minutes.

I see sex as more and less at the same time.

More when it needs to be, more because it just is.

It is this beautiful intimate act.

And less when it needs to be, because you have so much more connection to this other person than just sex.

So sex becomes another tool to show and build your connection, not the only string keeping two people connected.

Sex is fragile but durable.

A lot of people think it will hold them together, I don’t think it can, not all by itself.

Sex can never be the only string, there has to be more.

I believe when there is more, then it becomes a strong tool.

At the end of the day, it is just a tool that helps to build.

It is not the sole thing that the success of a relationship depends on, it is one of the things that will help to build what needs building.

The thing that needs building is love in form of understanding, compassion, compromise and so much more than just sex.

