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Sunday Jam

The Best Essays, Fiction & Poetry of the Week

P.S. I Love You
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3 min readJun 23, 2019


We are jammin’ this Sunday, friends!

In Scenes from a One-Month Stand, Emma Jane LaPlante gives us a lyrical autobiographical story, and sets us up for a dazzling Poetry Sunday.

I told him my theory:

That there’s something sinister
about Fairyland,
off-kilter & vaguely macabre,
as if Alice dreamed up
its old-timey carnival rides
& menacing hedge sculptures.
When we walked past the entrance
Boy shook his head,
said, “If I was tripping right now — ”
We were both tripping a bit, though,
on the heady combination of
vaporized weed,

good second dates,

& pomegranates covered in

Then Jane Ng takes us under, in Fish Gill

Her long, matted, blonde hair kept getting gnarled
in the fingers of the fishermen that found her
One man swore that he saw a tiny fish between her lungs
breathing heavily beneath the weight of her ribs

but now I wonder
if maybe you had something hidden
growing in your ribs too

And what’s not to love in Just Married by Eliot North?

She had red hair
And freckles.

We did everything together.

Wrote our vows
In pink sparkly pen

Lots more poetry on the home page today. Take a look.

Highlights of the Week

Andrew Knott’s son is growing up, and so is their father-son connection. My Son is Growing Up, But Our Rocking Chair Still Connects Us.

Darcy Reeder and her siblings are Laughing Our Way Through Our Parents’ Living Will, proving that even planning for the afterlife has a few punchlines.

Benjamin Davis says Helping People with Their Problems Is Not About You. Here’s how to put yourself aside be there for your friends when they need you.

Jennifer Sartore Hulst has “that kid” and she’s got something to tell you. From “That Kid’s” Mom, Thank You.

Life Lessons (Image credit: Pixabay)

In This Is Why You Should Pay It Forward — 7 Life-Changing Reasons, Tim Denning says paying it forward is real.

The Most Important Life Lessons Are Seen Not Heard, and Michael Thompson shows us, step by step.

btg dad is facing life’s adversities with love in Losing Contact with My Three Children.

Is it time to get off that f*cking pill and get pregnant already? Jillian Horowitz talks it out in Do I Owe My Mother Grandchildren?

Danny Forest’s mom had the toughest job in the world — single mom. But Being Raised Fatherless Wasn’t All That Bad.

And single mom Shannon Ashley knows there’s no stand-in for self-love. Being Loved is Not Enough.

If you’re in the mood for short stories, we’ve got great new fiction by C. Moore (A Hope Sailed), Louise Foerster (The Mom Trials), Lorie Kleiner Eckert (A New Place to Look for Love) and more in the Fiction Friday section of the home page.

And don’t forget to check out John Gorman’s column and his new essay, Man on an Island, and Kris Gage’s latest column.

That’s all for now, friends. Have some jam, and enjoy your Sunday. #OneLove


