Sunglasses or Happy Now

Henrique Betrüger
P.S. I Love You


One day my little sister asked me what happines was. When she asked me I wasn’t able to answer it the way I wish I had, I just answered any old dead answer so I could go back to my books. I’m not quite sure why I didn’t answered the way I intendeed. Happines were rare those days, or maybe I was too blind to see what it really meant. Since that question months passed and bad times passed too, now I find myself in a happy and healthy place and know how I should’ve answered.

If asked now I would answer that happines is kind like an old pair of sunglasses you got used to. You got so used to these pair of sunglasses that you use them every day, it filters all the harm the sun could bring to your eyes and also makes you look extra cool.

But one day you lose these sunglasses. You can’t seem to remember where you left them, maybe at a bar, at an ex-girlfriend house, at school. You just can’t find those damn sunglasses, (and here is where it gets tricky) you lost your sunglasses and you can’t find them, so now you got two options, it’s either you stay home away for the sun, or you go find some new glasses and live life.

Maybe my sister wouldn’t understand the simplicity of happines, or maybe I wasn’t ready to explain it to her. But one thing is clear now, at those times I was juststaring at the sun and whising it would end, so I got out of home and bougth new sunglasses, the other pair is lost forever, it is kind like a happines we must leave in the past, I used to look extra cool on those glasses, but now I look super extra cool. Of course that being happy is not that simple. But it has to begin somewhere, you can’t just wait around until new glasses fall on your face.

