The Best Reason a Guy Ever Gave for Why I Should Sleep With Him

One of the most empowering messages of my life was actually an attempt to seduce me.

Laura Rosell
P.S. I Love You


Photo edited from original by cottonbro from Pexels

At the height of my quarterlife crisis, I was living in Shanghai, at a mouse-and-roach infested hostel, next to one of the most fetid wet markets I’ve ever smelled in my life. We’re talking offal and fish guts perennially rotting in the street outside my door. I was broke. Technically homeless. Roughly 8000 miles from everyone who loved me. Circumstances were not ideal. And this was when and where I met a great guy we’ll call “Alex.”

Alex was my neighbor, and from the night we met, people assumed we were an item, so palpable was our chemistry. I sensed within hours that we’d been lovers in a past life, a certainty that only deepened with time. Unsurprisingly, we became friends.

Also unsurprisingly: we ended up in bed together.

And it was fantastic.

Normally, one would want amazing sex to continue. Particularly if the partner in question (like Alex) was caring, interesting, and hot. Right?

Well, I didn’t.

Given my ongoing quarterlife crisis, I didn’t have the emotional bandwidth for anything more than a platonic friendship with Alex. He, on the…



Laura Rosell
P.S. I Love You

Love, sex, dreams, soul, adventure, healing, feeling. Available for projects.