Haley Doerfler
P.S. I Love You
Published in
2 min readJan 19, 2016


The dangerous part of falling for a writer is that they will always remember and always forget.

A writer will always remember the details that are shockingly specific. They will remember what you wore and how you smelled, smelled of comfort and safety. They will always remember the way your nose crinkled when you laughed and how your eyes slight up when you talked about the passions, passions burried deep within that only a few precious people get to know about. They will always remember the way that you pushed your hair back out of your face when you were trying to concentrate. They will always remember how to make you feel as if you are the most important person on the face of the planet.

But the worst part about falling for a writer is how they always forget. They always forget the important meeting you two had set up this week and the speical date that rolls around once a year marking the time when you two first became a couple. They always forget the names of people, unless they think they will make an interesting character. They always forget numbers and dates and many of the things that other people find so very important. They always forget to take care of the laundry and the dishes.

The dangerous part of falling for a writer is how they will remember enough details to immortalized you in history but it may end up that these bits are the parts of oneself that you would rather keep hidden. They remember every skeleton in the closet and every flaw that could have made you loveable. They will be able to call to mind every time you laugh at the number of books that they read or slightly their fictional lover. But the lovely parts of falling for a writer is that even though these maybe the bits of you that they remember, they have the talent of making even the worst bits of you endearing. They can make their readers fall in love with your for every flaw that you possess. They can help you to see the good in yourself upon a page even when you don’t believe that it is there.

The beautiful part of falling for a writer is that no matter how far away they are, you will never have to worry about being forgotten for your mailbox and inbox will be flooded with letters. Letters of love, letters of hope, letters of the past memories that you two share. When you fall for a writer, you will come to understand the true power and everlasting beauty of words. There will be days when the writer’s mind is a million miles away but you know when this is the case, they are dreaming up characters to accompany you through the fictional world they are creating.

There are many dangers of falling for a writer, but the most dangerous bit of all is that you too may become a writer yourself.



Haley Doerfler
P.S. I Love You

A PhD candidate at Durham Unversity who is currently wandering throughout England.