The Day I Fell in Love with You

I don’t know if it was a single act or decision

Jesse Wilson
P.S. I Love You


Photo by Niki Sanders on Unsplash

The day I fell in love with you
was the day I knew, I would no longer
need to walk this earth alone

Wondering and searching for a love
so elusive, I had begun to wonder
if real love was a myth or fantasy

The type of myth I had read in every book I picked up
The type of fantasy I had openly dreamt about
Boy meets girl, girl meets boy
Same-sex couples all finding their pure love
How, because they all believed they were worthy

And maybe when I think about it, that is just it
Each couple, each story, each book I would read
would remind me of my worth

Oh why is it, you can have an abundance of love but no place for it to go
It seems, a cruel misgiving to be given a heart that yearns to be loved
and yet, when you see others take love so lightly
broken promise after broken promise
You want to pull them up and tell them
that love is no joke



Jesse Wilson
P.S. I Love You

Writer | Poet - Inspiring people to find their purpose and live healthier, happier, more loving, and fulfilled lives.