The Day I Met My Soulmate

How a boy named Esmeralda changed my life. A love story for those who don’t believe in love.

Rachel Greenberg
P.S. I Love You


dog face
Picture of Esmeralda, taken and owned by her owner and the author (me).

Let me preface this with the fact that I’m not a very emotional person.

I don’t open up quickly or easily and I have an auto-cringe response to most anything mushy or gushy hurled my way. I like to keep my friends, enemies, and pretty much all humans a good six to ten emotional feet away from me on a fairly regular basis.

On top of my lack of emotional availability, I’ve also never felt very maternal. I see babies kind of like I see socks. They’re (sometimes) cute? They’re cool. I guess…

Do you see where I’m going with this? The fact that I could even write that last paragraph and admit it to myself on the screen and to the rest of the world reading this sends a pretty strong message. Emotions and maternal instincts just may not be my things. We all have our things; I think mine more so encompass business, art, nature, etc…emotions? Not so much.

That’s why this story took me by just as much surprise as it may take you after reading about the cold-hearted, emotionless stoic that I am.

Well, here goes — for all you hopeless romantics who wrote me off and exited this article…



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