The Death of Supreme Court’s Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Could be the Death of Hope

Especially for minorities and women

Carl L Lane
P.S. I Love You


Photo by Tingey Injury Law Firm on Unsplash

Ruth Bader Ginsburg has died. The lion has fallen. And a nation awaits the wrath of hyenas. We have all lost a hero and a member of our family. A protector. The United States Supreme Court has lost one of the last guardians of justice in this land. She has literally given her life for us.

R.B.G., she came to be called. At eighty-seven years old, we marveled at her strength as much as her great intellect. Cancer had come for her before, over and over, and this little old woman turned it away time after time, as if from the power of a great left hook that could knock a man into the middle of next week. She fought for us, and it was obvious that it was she, not Trump, who had been sent to us by the Gods.

We stood in awe of her. We could hardly believe the grace and the power with which she returned to her seat on the bench each time, like a great old fighter that wouldn’t stay down. She always came up swinging. She was someone you wanted your daughter to be like.

But the hyenas know the lion has fallen. The pride is unprotected. Even with only a month and a half left before the election, they will nominate someone. Even if Trump ultimately loses in November, there will be eleven weeks…



Carl L Lane
P.S. I Love You

English degree, published author of fiction and nonfiction, certified sommelier, fitness enthusiast, and someone who cares deeply about the world we live in.