The mind is a fine sailor

Muin Ali Saiyed
P.S. I Love You
Published in
2 min readNov 10, 2017

There are certain truths which are hidden from the mind no matter how hard he tries to search for them. I have been by his side always as he tries to comprehend the nature of the universe. He pushes and pulls me along further and further into an ocean that doesn’t seem to end. He’s after a big catch and he won’t give up till he finds it.

He has acquired all the tools necessary to sail of course as he is no fool. He has procured a sturdy boat, paddles, rope, weapons for safety, and even bottles a daily dose of courage just in case. So I board his vessel and when he takes me out to sea we get pummeled by waves and blinded by the spray of the ocean.

Everyday he takes me to sea and everyday we come back exhausted.

Once, I tired of his perseverance and left him behind. I decided to stand at the shore looking out into the beauty of the sea. It was when I tired of the mind that I saw my beloved as she waded effortlessly and gracefully into the water as waves subsided before they reached her.

Of course as you know she was my heart. The only instrument capable of knowing what the mind cannot. The mind sees God, knowing that he cannot see God. The heart sees God as God sees her.

So I watched as she moved further along into the water and disappeared beneath the surface. I blinked twice and rubbed my eyes as my mind came running from behind me and handed me a rope in preparation for the days voyage.



Muin Ali Saiyed
P.S. I Love You

a peek into the antics, mind, and worldview of a wannabe sufi tech geek from south jersey