The Music Box Dancer

Dexter Garcia
P.S. I Love You
Published in
1 min readNov 20, 2017
Photo Credits to Turbosquid

I dreamt,
You were my music box dancer.

A blushing and lace-clad ballerina
Securely attached to a cloistered and bejeweled case
With shimmering gossamer strands as smooth as silk
It kept you protected and secure
To belong to me.

You delighted in being my music box dancer.

A cherished and much-loved treasure
Patiently waiting inside your cloistered and bejeweled case
With bird song melodies as sweet as summer honeysuckle
You remained eager and ready
To dance for me.

You grew tired of being my music box dancer.

A concealed and highly-secreted trophy
Fading away inside my cloistered and bejeweled case
With spider silk shackles as strong as steel
I kept you bound and confined
To belong to me.

You loathed being my music box dancer.

I opened your cloistered and bejeweled case
To find that you had gone
To dance for yourself.

