The Myth (And Reality) Of Finding Your One, True Love

With a million fish in the sea, how do you know you’ve found the right person?

Benjamin Sledge
P.S. I Love You


Still searching for that elusive unicorn? Read on. | Photo by THE COLLAB. from Pexels

The firelight flickers off the log we’ve rolled to our campsite. It took the better part of an hour to move the behemoth a mere 100 meters due to the branches still attached. With each push, the log would groan forward, only to roll backwards when the momentum wasn’t enough. Once at camp, I bend over sucking wind and wiping sweat from my brow despite the chill. Now with the sun setting, the weather had turned cold and the sweat an unwelcome nuisance. To avoid the chill getting in my bones, I pull on a beanie and inch closer to the fire, resting my sore back against Megatron — the name I’ve given the tree trunk.

Behind me, the pop and fizzle of a can being opened rustles me out of the dreamy fire trance. Without turning around, I say, “Bring me one of those bad boys.” Feeling the need to justify myself I follow up with, “We’ve earned it.”

My longtime friend, Nate, appears from around the other end of the log and hands me a white and red can, with a gold star above the words Lone Star: The National Beer of Texas. My friends all know I’m somewhat of a beer snob, often poo-pooing on their choice of Bud, Miller, or Coors, but hand me a Lone Star and I’m a happy man.



Benjamin Sledge
P.S. I Love You

Multi-award winning author | Combat wounded veteran | Mental health specialist | Occasional geopolitical intel | Graphic designer |