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The Psychology of a Bad Relationship

Researchers explain why we love the wrong person, and why we’re still in that toxic relationship

Lily Lum
Published in
5 min readMar 28, 2021


Many of us have been there, we fell too quickly for the wrong person. We ignored red flags because we were in lust and infatuated.

“Oh, but they smelled so good . . .” or “we had so much in common . . . they could see right through me!”

We quickly start to lose focus on everything else in life. Mr./Ms. Perfect starts taking up way too much of our thoughts. The way they dress, the way they smile, the way they kiss . . . Oh, they’re so perfect.

We are quickly becoming obsessed.

But we have to ask ourselves, is it because they are really that incredible? Or maybe we’re just too quick to find the perfect one that we’re seeing what want to see in them.

I’ve done the same thing, millions (well maybe not millions . . .) of times. Mr. Right turned into Mr. Ick pretty quick. Like seriously, what did I see in them?

With psychology, we can peek into the framework of a bad relationship.

Too Many Expectations

An article in Psychology Today says we are conditioned from when we were young to expect a perfect relationship…



Lily Lum
P.S. I Love You

Mental health advocate, artist, writer and traveller! Please see my NEW Jungle Boutique at