Things My (Danish) Husband Still Doesn’t Get About America

Two polar-opposite people from two polar-opposite countries

Anastasia Frugaard
P.S. I Love You


Photo by Toms Rītson Unsplash

You couldn’t find two countries more different than America and Denmark. The huge vs. the tiny. The loud vs. the quiet. The money-obsessed vs. the equality-driven. The huge egos vs. no egos at all. The fourteenth Happiest Country on Earth vs. the second. So it’s no surprise that my husband found many surprises when we left his home in Copenhagen and relocated to New York and then California.

Two polar-opposites ourselves, we took a chance on this big and weird country I called home. Over the past year and a half, I did my best to explain (and sometimes make excuses for) it. But some things still come as a surprise.

We see scams as a part of life

My husband is so cute when he picks up a call from an unknown number and politely answers, “Hello.” He then proceeds to listen and ask again, “What warranty? I don’t have any warranty.” He makes a genuine attempt to understand.

My heart melts. I whisper, “Just hang up.”

Instead, he politely ends the call with, “I’m sorry, I think you’re calling the wrong person.”

