This Is How You Love The Funny Girl

She realized by making others laugh, they wouldn’t see the pain in her laugh lines.

Molly Burford
P.S. I Love You


Photo by Justin Aikin on Unsplash

“Oh, you make me laugh,” said the boy who would later break my heart.

We were out at a local dive bar with a group of our friends, and I don’t recall what crack I was making at that given time, but I do remember my heart feeling light, when it usually felt so heavy, and looking down to hide the smile that was swimming across my face.

I was a funny girl finally feeling seen.

We all know a funny girl. She’s the one whose wit can cut through concrete, whose laugh can be heard from the other room. She’s the girl who isn’t afraid to make a fool of herself and doesn’t take herself too seriously. She’s fun. She’s quick.

She’s funny.

She’ll keep you laughing until your sides hurt, with her arsenal of puns and comebacks always at the ready. You think how happy and fun she is. How confident she must be. And maybe she is.

But more often than not, the funny girl is funny because she’s afraid of getting hurt. Her humor is her shield. She realized by making others laugh, they wouldn’t see the pain in her laugh lines. She discovered if she pointed out her flaws first, no one could use them against her.

