To Love

Daisy Nguyen
P.S. I Love You
Published in
1 min readOct 18, 2017
Personal Image: Minneapolis, Summer 2016 — channel between Lake of the Isles & Lake Calhoun. ©Daisy Nguyen 2016, 2017

Languid ripples lapped lazily,

Undulations stroke gently,

Swish, swirl, swell, rustle,

Slowly, steadily, leisurely.

Waves whispered sweetly,

Kisses caressing carelessly,

Creating careful chaos,

Love and lust and longing.

The moon mirrored my madness,

Complete total helplessness,

She spoke softly;

Surrender, submit, succumb.

-Daisy Nguyen

Author. Writer. Poet.–

In search of the deep end.



Daisy Nguyen
P.S. I Love You

Author. Writer. Poet. Imperfect. Every word I write, is either a whisper, a whimper or a scream and never anything in between.