To Royalty, with love

Nishibonya K.
P.S. I Love You
Published in
3 min readJul 2, 2018

Some love stories are made in heaven, some on earth, but there are yet some, that are woven after death takes a toll upon

A stare so wicked, by the endless time
Engulfed a love once
That lost its say
Even before its blossom
Could pave the way;

So, here it goes-
A boy lived once,
ragged clothes and dirty shoes;
In a thatched hut- sited among the bushes,
Beside the golden castle;
A crooked nose, with eyes so weary-
His ugliness, the talk of the town,
Those eyes bore within the sight,
The deepest of love for the royal princess;
“So deep, even more than the ocean blue
Ode to my highness, with a love so true”, he roared in the quiet.

The royal charm,
Whose heart-core was tender though,
Was masked with the earthly pride
Gave no notice
To the overtures of love
Nor to the agony he suffered all the while.

Days passed by, years many,
The love of the beast-
Shot by arrows of millions
But only it grew stronger and stronger,
With each phase of misery
And cruel waves of time silently passing by!

After a day or a two,
He said ‘ I love you’

gifting a rose with a smile,

beaming love of a child.

“Love no one in deep earnest,
The flight of love ought to fall one day”
saying this, she drove to the forest woods
Crushing the rose below;

Even then, he followed the footsteps
And at last, were side by side;
Suddenly, were they
Trapped in the devil-snare,
And asked by the devil himself,
As to whose blood was richer,
To swash upon the sword of the dead;

The sub-devils pointed at the princess,
But, the lad, spread his arms and said,
“Kill me, my highness
And spare this innocent charm
For each drop of my blood
Has attained richness
Greater than the castle mirth
Through the love I bore
For this lady of worth!”

“Love no one in deep earnest
Let me be killed”, she whispered,
But adamantly he let swords
Rip his chest and fell down
On the thorns of death.

The devils departed
left scars of wicked fate
still the the princess clasped
His hands in fright
With a beam on the face
The lad breathed his last words-

“Let not your thoughts
Remember me as a savior of yours;
But, as an unusual lover,
Who has completed the last phase of love
Through his life’s forfeit,
That even the kings and princes cannot…”
wished it was not late enough
Even when the heart that loved,
Was blown away from the earth,
another one, yearned for that love,
But the wish left dry,
unfulfilled chronicle of the smile,
Till eternity and a while…



Nishibonya K.
P.S. I Love You

Mechanical Engineer | Crazy scribbler | Sports Enthusiast | Avid reader | A speck of paradox |