Trust That Bitch..She’s Telling The Truth

Dina Strada
P.S. I Love You
Published in
3 min readFeb 25, 2018

Photo credit: Lea Dubedout

She tells you things that make your heart race and and your stomach twist up in knots.

Half the stuff she says seems completely irrational, yet you know on the deepest level she’s telling you the truth.

You argue with her relentlessly because she’s either revealing stuff you don’t want to hear or reassuring you about things that seem too good to be true.

Most of the time you scream back at her to mind her own damn business because you know better, but she keeps on you so relentlessly, it’s almost impossible to ignore her.

And when you do ignore her, you regret it like hell.

That bitch… Your intuition…you better start trusting her. Because she’s got your back.


Our truth… the truth… is first felt in the body. It’s the shallow, rapid breathing that consumes us when someone tells us something that doesn’t sound right. It’s the knot in the pit of our stomach and the pounding of our heart in our ears when we suspect something isn’t right and we don’t feel safe. It’s the headaches and insomnia and weight loss or weight gain that is screaming at us to see the real truth.

Don’t make excuses when these things start happening. Get still and listen. And I mean really listen. Inner bitch is talking and she’s going to amp things up further if you keep ignoring her.


We try to rationalize our way to decisions about people and situations based on having concrete proof laid out in front of us like an FBI agent. Sometimes the actual physical evidence isn’t ever going to appear.

I can’t tell you how many times my own intuition has told me something as if it were fact and I didn’t listen to it. I mean to be fair, I had no concrete proof.

For example… if I didn’t actually walk in on my significant other with his pants around his legs and a women straddling him like she was at the local rodeo I could absolutely convince myself nothing was happening.

But I would feel it in my body. I would know it in my heart. I could even gather up a handful of incidents that clearly proved “something isn’t adding up here” but without the physical evidence to confirm the truth I could bury my head in the sand a little longer.

Let’s face it… some truths are just too painful to accept. Inner bitch doesn’t give a damn about your fear of the pain. She knows you’re going to feel it later regardless whether you listen to her now or later.


We spend a a whole lot of time spouting off to our friends about our need to trust other people to feel safe but we seem to forget that the only person we really need to trust is ourselves.

We always know the truth. And I mean always. There is rarely a time in our lives where we make a decision about something that later blows up in our faces where we don’t find ourselves later saying, “I knew not to do that,” or “I should have listened to myself in the beginning.”

So why do we betray ourselves and ignore it? Why can’t we trust the one person we know has our best interests at heart…. and that’s us.

Because the truth is, we don’t want to be right about some things. We don’t want to accept that some people aren’t good for us. We definitely don’t want to admit that something we really want we simply can’t have because it was never meant for us to begin with.

We were all blessed with intuition for a reason. It’s there to protect us. It wants desperately to spare us heartache and pain. It’s been put there to keep us safe. Let it do it’s job. Let it lead you to where you’re truly meant to be instead of where you want to go.

She may be a bitch… but that bitch always has your back.



Dina Strada
P.S. I Love You

Dina is a Relationship Coach, and Contributing Author in “Simply Women! Stories from magnificent women who have risen against the odds.” Stalk her on FB and IG.