What Have You Done to Me?

M. Edward Alexander
P.S. I Love You
Published in
1 min readApr 10, 2018
Photo by Jason Schjerven | Unsplash

What have you done to me
That I’ve forgotten who I am?
I’ve forgotten myself
And now nothing is real
— Only you.

Who am I
now —
Do I live in a shack?
A castle?
Do I dine with kings?
Or keep company
with hunger?

Your voice
Your touch
Your fire,
They choke my words
And I’m a fool —
Perhaps I’ve always been.

Who are you?
And what have you done
to me —
I forget myself again:
What was life before you?
What was my purpose?

What did I live for?

I cannot speak
Cannot think
Cannot see;
I’ve gone blind,
Robbed of reason,
So that now
I know only you,
Only you…


What have you done to me?



M. Edward Alexander
P.S. I Love You

Explorer of the human condition. Supporter of the arts, science & technology. Guided by empathy. #Poetry