What I wished I had learned sooner in life

Ada Mauro
P.S. I Love You
Published in
1 min readNov 5, 2017

It’s never too late to learn. But here is what I wish I had learned sooner in life:

Two hurting people don’t make a healthy one.

Two imperfect people don’t make a perfect one.

Two unhappy people don’t make a happy one.

They can share happy moments, but

Two hurting people will only make each other hurt more.

Two imperfect people will only make each other less perfect.

Two unhappy people will make each other more unhappy,


  • they learn and share the truth about themselves
  • take responsibility
  • accept and LOVE themselves and each other unconditionally

then they will heal, become their best happy selves and enjoy more happiness together.

Originally published at www.adamauro.com.

What I do



Ada Mauro
P.S. I Love You

…We all crawl in life until we learn how to truly Love, which gives us wings to fly. www.adamauro.com