What Is A Green Funeral?

Ed Michael Reggie
P.S. I Love You
Published in
3 min readJul 26, 2018

These days, it seems like every industry is researching and investing in ways to “go green” — including, as it happens, the funeral business.

Across the funeral industry, firms are developing new, more environmentally conscious means of laying the deceased to rest. These include burial methods that more purposefully benefit trees and plants, as well as casket technology that dissolves more rapidly into the ground.

But what constitutes a “green funeral” is still very much a matter of debate. In fact, some of these green options aren’t what they seem, and others simply aren’t all that viable.

This makes defining “green funerals” a tricky endeavor.

So, what exactly qualifies as “going green” in the funeral industry?

In short: it depends.

Of the variety of green alternatives currently being offered by funeral homes and services, many are not all that environmentally conscious — at least not by the standards we apply to other industries.

Cremation, for example, burns fossil fuels. Embalming chemicals used in preparing bodies for funerals inevitably end up in the ground. And all caskets — no matter how they’re designed — take up an immense amount of room.

And, sure, burying an unembalmed body in a decayable casket might be a greener burial option than traditional methods. But not by much. And that begs the question: can something that’s only a slightly lesser evil be considered better?

Still, there are emerging burial options that are truly “green” — no matter how unrealistic they might be for the average person.

Despite the ambiguity concerning official definitions of what makes for a green funeral, there are some practices that are undeniably better for the environment.

Take, for example, the emerging practice of burying remains in cocoon-like sacks beneath newly-planted trees, wherein the deceased become sustenance for the tree. Or consider the practice of alkaline hydrolysis (also known as bio-cremation, resomation, flameless cremation, or water cremation), in which remains are cremated without flame using chemicals instead. This produces a vaguely green liquid which is given to family members in a bottle.

These new technologies and burial methods are admirable for their ambition, and, yes, they’re no doubt environmentally responsible. But they also require an outsized amount of effort and time.

And this raises a different question: do green alternatives matter if their widespread adoption amounts to nothing more than an environmentalist’s pipe dream?

Alkaline hydrolysis, for example, is legal only in 14 states.

Here’s the bottom line: the vast majority of funerals today do not qualify as “green” by any of our traditional definitions — and cremation still remains the most popular option.

All in all, green funerals remain a fascination of the fringe.

In the U.S., 86 percent of funeral homes are mom and pop shops that have been operating in the same fashion for decades. And most people who hire their services aren’t interested in being environmentally conscious — they’re seeking closure and comfort.

What that typically means is burying their loved ones in a family plot — or, increasingly, opting for cremation.

In fact, because of the lower cost and geographically fractured nature of American families, cremation has become the most popular funeral option overall. It’s a trend that’s going to last. Right now, 51 percent of funerals are conducted by way of cremation. In another 10 years, that number will look more like 60 or 70 percent.

Will flame-less cremations catch on? Will people, on the whole, become more desiring of green burial options? Perhaps. But given how much cheaper and easier cremation is than something like alkaline hydrolysis, it doesn’t seem likely.

So what, then, should we make of the green funeral movement?

At the end of the day, it’s not much of a movement. What qualifies as a “green” funeral remains up for debate, and the options that definitively do qualify as “green” aren’t popular enough to make any kind of cultural impact.

But just in case you and your loved ones are interested in these environmentally friendly funeral options, you can take solace in the fact that they do exist, if you’re willing to look.

And who knows? This discussion has only just begun. The future of funerals may turn out to be green, after all.



Ed Michael Reggie
P.S. I Love You

CEO at www.funeralocity.com and Managing Director of Future Factory, a company I founded to create and manage startups across different industries