The day I realized there’s something better than victory

Nishibonya K.
P.S. I Love You
Published in
4 min readJul 4, 2018

I was focused! All I wanted was Victory! Just then…

College days end up being the most precious- and this we realize later in life- when we start missing a ‘life’ within the busy schedule of the corporate! We all gain such striking memories during those days; the one mentioned below, is the latest and the most dynamic excerpt of my college life that I can never forget! This time, there was more than one reason to overwhelm me! So, here it goes-

Inter College Table Tennis ’15: The chapter unfolds

After two long years of struggle, I finally grabbed the chance to take part in it; coincidentally Inter-NIT happened to take place in our college itself!

We used to have dedicated practice in our sports complex before the tournament began; it was the perfect recreation one could ever ask for! Slowly, the participating teams from other NITs filled the entire complex-it turned much vibrant!

The Inter-NIT kick started with its orientation program followed by the pledge taken by everyone promising fair play and good conduct! I was under a constant feeling of déjàvu; half of my childhood time, I was found playing TT in the sports complex of our town! It seemed everything was a rewind of the past- in a different setting, with different faces around!

Thereafter, the lotting followed up- and my anxiety started to take over! It reached its peak during our first team match! I still remember losing my cool on my teammates when we were about to lose; although I regretted the conduct later on.

Soon Dramatic situations followed after the very first match! Following entry of our wild card teammate, the matches spiced up!-She was rushed to the arena- no warm up, no previous practice! But excitement reached its peak when she surprised everyone with her great play! Though we lost, we could sense a good future line-up for NITS, backed by the rest of my team-mates!

The singles was hilarious too; by then, I learned to be patient and level-minded, I practiced to smile whenever I used to get anxious during matches- that helped me a lot to win further matches! Though I missed the Third position by an inch, it taught me about the dos and don’ts a good sportsperson follows!

At first, I was too focused to stay light-hearted, all I wanted was victory; But then, as time passed, loss and victory seemed too little before what the moments held in! After all agony was temporary! What remained intact in mind was the support I received- the people who were by my side all the time; The cheer still echoes in my head- the entire college fraternity, my friends who never gave up on me; calmed me down, even in between matches whenever they noticed my crazy outbursts; me skipping meals and the local store stuff to compensate for that –watching the moves of great players and not to forget those crazy laughter sessions in between matches-eye-candies and cross-connections; Sweating was a constant affair throughout!

Meeting new people has always been a generator of happiness; discussing about the varied college cultures pops out fun gossip all the time; and when one feels the way you interact can attract mass kinship- happiness knows no bounds! It was one of the rare times I opened up- the reserved girl finally realized that trying to be extrovert was not a bad idea at all!

It is in such moments one realizes what matters more in the long-run- the life lessons a 3-day tournament can teach you and the brand new dimensions of ‘winning is not always important, but the journey is

Ending it up with verses about my happy times:

‘Some beautiful moments are made on earth, but there are yet some made in heaven’

Lost was I, walking through the lonely streets,
With no one by my side,
Remembering those beautiful days
down the memory lane,
When each day started with a carefree smile
unaware of what life holds in hidden piles,
And those days were never to return;
once they left like dreamy flies;
But those shadows of love would follow me
through thick and thin of wavy paths

The smiles to glitter the way brighter
Those eyes, that had a yearn unsolved
To guide me through obscurities of dusk,
Protect me from the devil’s curse
Of those hands, that kindled me with great care and love,
To hold me now, when I tend to fall
And let me feel forever
The unseen essence of yore
And thread those moments
With fibers that fabricate,
My ‘happiest prime’ !



Nishibonya K.
P.S. I Love You

Mechanical Engineer | Crazy scribbler | Sports Enthusiast | Avid reader | A speck of paradox |